Sometimes it’s the little things that make me happy...
Like not constantly kicking the chain of power strips and wall warts when sitting at my desk.
Amazon product page for the power strip.
Like not constantly kicking the chain of power strips and wall warts when sitting at my desk.
Amazon product page for the power strip.
In June of 2023, I got a great deal on a Rackbrute 6U and 3U set of cases from a coworker. I mounted my Subharmonicon and DFAM in the 6U for a nice, compact synth unit. The semimodulars don't take up the whole width of the case, though,
Use your own hostname as an alias to your Mastodon account.
I've had my eye on the MiniDexed open source project for a while, ever since I saw a video about the project by Floyd Steinberg. Eight DX7s on a Raspberry Pi? Heck yeah! This week, I finally ordered hardware: * Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2019 Quad Core 64
It didn’t make the evening news (what are they trying to hide?) but last Wednesday, a terror arose from the depths to threaten all humankind. Tentacles, teeth, claws, fangs…it has all that, and hunger. Can 61 intrepid musicians stop this horror? Tune in to Bandcamp to find out!