Moritz Klein VCO module build
Building a 4 hp square/saw VCO from scratch.
Building a 4 hp square/saw VCO from scratch.
After I racked the Cha Cha LFO module and started patching it to the Subharmonicon, I quickly discovered that the peak-to-peak waves coming out of that oscillator are only marginally useful. If I wanted to completely open and close a filter, say, it works great, but there isn't
In June of 2023, I got a great deal on a Rackbrute 6U and 3U set of cases from a coworker. I mounted my Subharmonicon and DFAM in the 6U for a nice, compact synth unit. The semimodulars don't take up the whole width of the case, though,
I've had my eye on the MiniDexed open source project for a while, ever since I saw a video about the project by Floyd Steinberg. Eight DX7s on a Raspberry Pi? Heck yeah! This week, I finally ordered hardware: * Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2019 Quad Core 64
I closed up the case on my Baby-10 sequencer project. Here's a demo video and a list of what I learned.
I recently finished my Baby-10 sequencer and used it to drive my Werkstatt as part of a recent musical project. While there were a couple of problems with the build that I'm not completely happy with, completing this project has really sparked my interest in building synthesizer modules
I've got enough wires soldered up to light some LEDs in sequence!
Wiring up ten sets of components -- one for each step of the sequencer -- is tedious, but also a good learning experience.
Time to commit and solder up this board. I decided to start with the circuits around the CD40106 decade counter chip: The 40107 decade counter chip is mounted in a socket on the right side of the board. The circuit on the bottom half of the board is a switch
Early morning obsessive thoughts about my sequencer project lead me to build a split-rail power supply.
Creating a front panel for the Baby-10. Trial, error, re-trial, and success.
Paul starts work on a Baby-10 control voltage sequencer.