Migrating ten years of email
Fear of a Google AI Planet pushed me to finally move off of Google Workspace for email and calendar services. Here's how I used Amazon WorkMail and imapsync to migrate.
Fear of a Google AI Planet pushed me to finally move off of Google Workspace for email and calendar services. Here's how I used Amazon WorkMail and imapsync to migrate.
After I racked the Cha Cha LFO module and started patching it to the Subharmonicon, I quickly discovered that the peak-to-peak waves coming out of that oscillator are only marginally useful. If I wanted to completely open and close a filter, say, it works great, but there isn't
In June of 2023, I got a great deal on a Rackbrute 6U and 3U set of cases from a coworker. I mounted my Subharmonicon and DFAM in the 6U for a nice, compact synth unit. The semimodulars don't take up the whole width of the case, though,
Use your own hostname as an alias to your Mastodon account.
I've had my eye on the MiniDexed open source project for a while, ever since I saw a video about the project by Floyd Steinberg. Eight DX7s on a Raspberry Pi? Heck yeah! This week, I finally ordered hardware: * Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2019 Quad Core 64
It didn’t make the evening news (what are they trying to hide?) but last Wednesday, a terror arose from the depths to threaten all humankind. Tentacles, teeth, claws, fangs…it has all that, and hunger. Can 61 intrepid musicians stop this horror? Tune in to Bandcamp to find out!
I closed up the case on my Baby-10 sequencer project. Here's a demo video and a list of what I learned.
I recently finished my Baby-10 sequencer and used it to drive my Werkstatt as part of a recent musical project. While there were a couple of problems with the build that I'm not completely happy with, completing this project has really sparked my interest in building synthesizer modules
There are some big hills east of Berkeley! The climbs were tough but the views from the top were worth it. Four out of six trail halfs in the bag!
Content Warning This is a post about abortion rights. I understand that abortion is a sensitive topic, so I want to be clear at the outset that I consider abortion to be health care and I support legal, safe abortion for everyone who needs that care. In addition to my
Slide into your vintage smoking jacket, grab an Old Fashioned, and read about how I composed a song about hipsters in two hours.
Running up and down the green hills of Del Valle Park. 13.1 miles, 2,300 feet of climbing, halfway to my goal.
On January 8th, I participated in my eighth Two Hour Album Challenge, a community event where participants write a song in two hours that loosely aligns with a randomly-chosen theme. 2HAC is held every three months or so, and the theme for this weekend was "Corruption". I typically
It was a beautiful, chilly day in the redwoods above Saratoga. Thirteen miles, 3100 feet of climbing, and ice cream afterward.
Not my first trail half marathon, but probably the most difficult. And yeah, I signed up for another one...
After a seven year break from triathlons – I have been mainly running trail races like the Ragnar Trail Tahoe – I registered for the Santa Cruz Triathlon earlier this year. The race was this morning, and I'm very happy with both the experience and my performance. Today was at
I've got enough wires soldered up to light some LEDs in sequence!
Live jam with Subharmonicon, DFAM, Werkstatt-01, and Zoom MS-70CDR chorus/delay/reverb pedal.
Wiring up ten sets of components -- one for each step of the sequencer -- is tedious, but also a good learning experience.
We recently took the travel trailer (which we have nicknamed "Jenny" – you have to say it out loud in the Forrest Gump voice) down to the Paso Robles area for a long weekend of wine tasting with our friends Julie and Josh. Shortly after buying our trailer, we
Live jam with the Subharmonicon, DFAM, and Werkstatt. Slow buildup to an energetic peak.
Time to commit and solder up this board. I decided to start with the circuits around the CD40106 decade counter chip: The 40107 decade counter chip is mounted in a socket on the right side of the board. The circuit on the bottom half of the board is a switch
Whenever Heather and I talk about things that we want to spend more time doing, travel and camping always came up. We both love to be outside and visit new places, but we came to the realization that car camping and sleeping on the ground no longer appeals to us.
Early morning obsessive thoughts about my sequencer project lead me to build a split-rail power supply.